Welcome to Steuben

Public Transit

Route 1 - Bath-Corning-Elmira

Download Bath-Corning-Bath Schedule

Bath Corning Bath Time Schedule

Stop ID Description Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Run 4 Run 5 Run 6 Run 7 Run 8 Run 9 Run 10 Run 11 Run 12
1 Depart Bath Transfer Station **** **** 6:40 8:00 9:30 11:00 12:30 2:00 3:30 5:10 6:30 7:00
2 Bath County Bldg **** **** 6:48 8:03 9:33 11:03 12:33 2:03 3:33 5:13 ETC ETE
3 Savona Rt 415 & 226 **** **** 6:55 8:10 9:40 11:10 12:40 2:10 3:40 5:20 ETC ETE
4 Tops Plaza, Corning **** *** 7:15 8:30 10:00 11:30 1:00 2:30 4:00 5:40 ETC ETE
5 Corning Transportation Center **** *** 7:20 8:40 10:10 11:40 1:10 2:40 4:10 5:50 7:00 ETE
6 Chemung County Transit Center 5:00 5:30 **** **** **** **** *** **** **** **** 7:30 7:45
5 Corning Transportation Center 5:30 6:00 7:20 8:45 10:15 11:45 1:15 2:45 4:30 5:50 **** ****
4 Tops Plaza, Corning 5:40 6:10 7:30 8:55 10:25 11:55 1:25 2:55 4:40 6:00 **** ****
3 Savona Rt 415 & 226 6:00 6:30 7:50 9:15 10:45 12:15 1:45 3:15 5:00 6:20 **** ****
2 Bath County Bldg 6:08 6:38 7:58 9:23 10:53 12:23 1:53 3:23 5:08 6:28 **** ****
1 Arrive Bath Transfer Station 6:10 6:40 8:00 9:25 10:55 12:25 1:55 3:25 5:10 6:30 **** ****
  To Steuben Route # 3 1  

ETC = 6:30pm Express from Bath to Corning to Elmira Via Route I-86
ETE = 7:00pm Express from Bath To Elmira Via Route I-86


Each Boarding


Within 3/4 Mile of Fixed Route


Pre Purchased Monthly Pass


Semester Stickers are available for students at the CCC Bookstore
(Aug-Dec / Jan-May)


Route 1 map

Route 1 – Bath–Corning-Bath

 Bath Transfer Station
Painted Post
Elmira Heights
Chemung County Transit Center


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Route 2 - Village of Bath

County Office Building
Mountain View Apartments
Lake Country Estates
ProAction Building
TOPS Plaza
Salvation Army Plaza
Spring Meadow Apartments
Save-A-Lot/Tractor Supply/Kmart


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Route 3 - Hammondsport

Lake Street
Ira Davenport Hospital
Dolar General
Lakeview Apartments
Bath Transfer Station

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Service Appeals

Service Appeals:

If your request for Route Deviation

service is denied; you may appeal the denial by

registering a complaint with the Steuben County

Transit System by calling 607-734-5211 to register

your complaint.

Courtesy Please

1. No eating or drinking.

2. No smoking, including e-cigarettes or vaping.

3. No animals allowed unless it’s a service animal.

4. Place bags and packages on your lap and secured so as not to block the aisle or slide around.

5. Be prepared to pay the correct fare and present a valid identification card when requesting a reduced fare.

6. Use earphones when playing audio or video devices.

7. No littering, running, horseplay, or swearing.

8. Do not harass the driver and other passengers.

9. No posting or soliciting or distributing pamphlets without permission.

Holiday Service Schedule

Steuben buses do NOT operate on the following days:

New Year's Day,

Easter Sunday, 

Memorial Day,

Independence Day,

Labor Day, 

Thanksgiving Day,

Christmas Day.